A local industrial shredding company needed to repair/ replace some of its’ equipment. The only way to do this was to reverse engineer what they had on site. They were concerned that the parts were not straight and should they bother scanning them? The answer is Yes.

Scanning captures exactly what is there so that nothing is missed. We can then manipulate the scan data to make theoretically perfect cad models. The parts were stripped down and cleaned ready for scanning.
The BMS solution
Data capture – 3D Scan on client site: We scanned using a Faro 3D scanner to capture the data. As you can see the 3rd part was not fully scanned, once we had both ends we were able to extrapolate the cad model… The data was then used to recreate a new design intent 3D cad model ready for re-manufacture. The beauty of this solution is that this new CAD data can be used for anything. Data storage, archiving, re-manufacture, modification, improvements or to produce 2D drawings.
Data Processing: Scan Data converted into Parametric 3D Cad model – output in this instance was into .xt and native Solidworks files.
Geometric Verification: We also produced a geometrical verification report that shows the client how the scan data varies from the new CAD model. This gives clients an instant insight into how far the CAD data is from the scan.All of the above was carried out within 4 working days.
3d scanning on site, data capture and post processing into .xt and native Solidworks files.
How can we help?
Call 01565 325005 or email info@bmsdesignltd.co.uk for an instant quotation.